Congratulations, Angel !!!

May I call to your attention that one of my dearest friends in the Conservative blogging world has rightfully been named the WINNER of the prestigious 2007 Weblog Awards in the TTLB Best of the Top 501-1000 Blogs category!
Her competition was of considerable high quality, yet she prevailed as she certainly deserved. This lady has all of the things true Conservatives value so highly; an irrepressible sense of duty to speak out publicly, an admirable history of service to community and fellow humankind, a dedication to family and friends and a passion for tradition and God.
Despite your reluctance to admit WHY you were first nominated and then VOTED as Number 1 in your category, Angel, those of us who read your words faithfully and participated in voting towards your victory do not require your admission of excellence... we have already seen it. In spite of your humility, please accept our collective applause and NEVER give up the fight!
This post is trackbacked @ Woman Honor Thyself's latest quality post.

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