For Z...

We are but human... imperfect and purely mortal. We have only Now and the memories that Now becomes. Our lives are a varied and frequently harsh mixture of challenge, toil, elation, logic, calculation, accomplishment, frustration, injustice, disparity, amazement, emotion, cruelty, shock and at times, misfortune. Under God's Watchful Eye and Guiding Hand, we scurry about wielding the time He allots.
And then He calls us Home... with a lifetime of lessons learned and contributions bestowed upon those we have touched. We sometimes, perhaps completely unaware, affect people in ways never spoken.
We do not choose the time of transition to God's Kingdom. It is not for us to choose. And so sadly it came for the dearly loved, devoted husband of "Z" of Geeez weblog. "Mr. Z" passed quietly in his sleep on Saturday, October 10th.
It is with greatest regret... and HIGHEST reverence, that we offer these simple words and images of condolence to the Lovely Lady in her grieving hours of incredibly painful, sudden loss. Our hearts, our thoughts and our prayers embrace you.
You are the Lady Slipper, dear, noble Z. Beautiful, delicate, principled, strong, stout, resolute and measured... yet eternally with such a high mark of kindness. You represent the rebirth and renewal of that which the coming day's promise brings.
You are an example to ALL those who read your words of sincerity worldwide. You love and are genuinely LOVED. Your friends, who know you in person or in reading, will ALWAYS be there for you.
God bless the eternal soul of the gentleman who too loved you so. And God bless you, Dear "Z". You're in our hearts forever.
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To those of you who know our lovely friend, Z - we know that you are keeping her - and her family - in your prayers. To those of you who have not yet had the honor of knowing her, reading her words or seeing her heart - you will need to only visit her site one time to realize how many lives she has touched - and why it is so easy to love this special lady.
I was so deeply saddened upon hearing the news of the loss of her husband. Words still escape me. Therefore, I am hoping that the words to the song “Where the River Flows,“ by Kelly Morrison, will be able to say what I am simply not yet able to say with proper eloquence. My heart is truly breaking for her and for all who were Blessed to have known, and loved, and now mourn the loss of her wonderful husband. Watching, albeit from afar, the love that she and Mr. Z shared, was always an inspiration - and I know that a love such as theirs will live beyond the boundaries of our earthly existence. May God be with you, Z - as your dear one will always be with you - in your heart - in your mind - and in your soul. And anywhere the river flows.
Each time the river flows ~
An eagle flies ~
A flower grows ~
I will love you.
Each time a butterfly catches my eye ~
I’ll remember you…..
And you’ll be there ~
Inside my mind ~
Inside my soul ~
Where the river flows.
Yes, you’ll be there ~
Inside my mind ~
Inside my soul ~
Where the river flows.
The video below includes special photos taken by DI as well as several of my favorite images taken directly from Z’s site. It is my fondest hope that this might be able to bring some small joy to those who loved Mr. Z, while perhaps allowing those who didn’t know him, a small glimpse into the beauty in his life - and the beauty of his wife.
***Please Note***
We have closed comments on this post and ask that you kindly, respectfully convey your thoughts appropriately to Z at her own post here and/or here.