Failed Fantasy: The Easy Button...

The Lefties are frantically switching buttons! They've abandoned "Easy" and are jabbing for the "Panic" button.
Is it the blabbering sound of the deflating economy? ...the shrunken miniature that represents employment nationally? ...perhaps the bloated deficit? failures? ...withering housing values? ...the hollow dollar? ...the New Gold Rush? ...looming tax increases? ...the engorged government socialist nipple? ...the permeable membrane of our southern border? ...the thousands of illegal alien case dismissals? ...mebbe it's the bowing, apologizing, capitulating "diplomatic" sequence of chronological ass kissing perpetually displayed to our enemies by Good Ole' President Wussy?
Nah... It's just the usual whining from the children we once again mistakenly trusted with our most noble endowment, freedom and liberty, passed forward to this synthesized Generation of the Unappreciative. 'We, The People' of the Constitution's true meaning are about to revoke the privilege... de novo.
Do you wonder how long we might just "ground them" this time? ...before stupidly allowing their irrational acts of power promoting autoerotics again.
Has it hurt enough yet, Folks?
Is it far enough into the future yet before we might get back to where we were 20 months ago?
Jeesh... it must be pretty crushing for them after all those years of carefully delivered Weakness Promotion. It truly began long, long ago. Ah, the glorious, perpetual servings of socialist propaganda! What good Marxist would have ever believed that the "useful" items straight from Rules For Radicals would have proven inadequately toxic? It should have permanently stymied the brains of those damn stubbornly resourceful capitalist Patriots! (Here's offering a sincere prayer that this has vaccinated our population for evermore.)
Do you remember...? What happened to the unending stupor?
"...I won't have to worry about puttin' gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage, ya' know, if I have helped him, he's gonna help me..."
-Peggy Joseph
Where's the fog?
I mean, just consider what their mindset building has culminated into on our television, every minute of every day, all across America.
LiftMaster standby power garage door opener...
...because you must realize that if your power grid is down, you would have to otherwise get out in the rain to open it! And you'd have to lift it by hand!
"Uses natural frequencies to promote good health and well being".
(is it the Irenew magnetic bracelet or Obamacare?) "...only $19.95..."
They coined entire new pacifying enervation titles:
"Immediate Response Vehicle" (No planning or forethought required... just scream out "save me...".
A trendy insurance "Concierge Service"... Bloody everything has been slanted towards the immediate gratification, no hassle, minimal effort 'message'. Shun responsibility. Work of any measurable significance is always somebody else's job... because, after all...
"You deserve it!"
Well, Peggy Joseph, you and those countless millions like you DO deserve this.
"I can just drop off my car and Progressive will take care of everything?!!"
"I had no idea that guy stopped short in front of me... but my car did."
"An invisible wall of protection... we give you a feeling of protection".
"I will not be afraid of the dark".
"What that robber took from us was our peace of mind... with ADT, we got it BACK!"
"We're there, even when you're not."
"What if Mother won't let me drive?"
"And we're walking... walking..."
"How's that for 'on-demand'? ...It's hard to stop a Trane."
It is indeed hard to stop a Socialist train. But we have a lot of hands and voices screaming "HALT"!

The Fall of the Left
The illusory summer of recovery has officially ended.
For some Conservatives, there is a sense of renewed anticipation and vigor as we approach the first, golden days of Autumn. This is the quintessential season of change, in its truest form. And so it begins - this visceral transformation of climate and circumstance. The Harvest Moon has fulfilled its duty to shine over the autumnal sky, as if in defiance of a world now transitioning into an early darkness. Everything changeable, seems possible. Everything possible, seems plausible. The haunting winds of desperation are beginning to blow, as we are increasingly being awakened to the nonsensical sounds of the yellow-bellied, Liberal sapsuckers, aimlessly fluttering in sweeping flocks of misdirection.
The aesthetics of our political landscape have been purposely eroded. Meandering crops of fruitless candidates have been enabled to flourish for too long in fields of liberally lined manure. They proliferate as noxious, left-leaning weeds, which are now threatening to transform our scenic countryside into rolling fields of despondency. It is time to weed out these infectious organisms and pluck from our soil those pernicious Liberals who recklessly cultivated their seeds of despair and indebtedness upon this nation. Remove them from our landscape. It is time for them to reap what they have sown.
The vibrant hues of Autumn create a sense of newness, while they gently remind us that there is still comfort in our old memories.
Yellow school buses filled with the laughter of children. Sunflowers and wildflowers blanketing the roadsides. Fuzzy brown cattails decorating muddy marshes, ponds and creeks. The smoky aroma of burning leaf piles.
Autumn has indeed arrived - wrapped in her colorful splendor.
Perhaps we should rise to greet these days with the same raw enthusiasm that we felt during the days of our youth. Boldly march into this season as the proud performers in a high school band - complete with booming sounds and crashing cymbals, preparing for the names of the most promising players to be announced. Remember the kind of excitement that rallied an entire stadium, when the home team stormed the field - and an entire town of supporters rooted enthusiastically for a successful outcome. Become the most energetic of cheerleaders - shout excitedly through raised voices and megaphones - jump and clap at the sheer possibility of winning. Make the air become alive with energy and an overwhelming sense of community. This is the season of possibilities and new beginnings. This is the dawn of Autumn. It is the epitome of our incomparable spirit and it is truly a season of transformation.
As the air becomes crisp and the landscape becomes ablaze with color, may we reflect upon the simplest and most innocent memories of our country and the magical backdrop that this season has forever carved, within the aspect of our imaginations. This is the same land upon which future generations of children will continue to create new memories of America. May they continue to be afforded the same opportunities for innocence …
Vote wisely in November.
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