"One man, living again in his home state, surrounded by territory once rife with Conservatives,
and now hijacked by imported Liberals. This is the product of a self-imposed duty to continue to speak my Traditionalist Values
despite the Left's proliferation, procreation and perpetual regurgitation."

"One woman, living in a southern state, invaded by liberal policies, where strong Conservatives
were once revered. Proudly clinging to my guns. Proudly singing to my God."




social transition


Gossamer Socialist



Problem obvious

Liberty Caged, 11-4-08

Next Opportunity for Redemption of The Republic...

...6:00 AM Eastern, November 1st, 2016

Click for Western Maine Mountains Forecast

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Traitorous
New York Times...

They have sold out their own country once again for the hopeful opportunity of some sort of journalistic achievement award. A proven, formerly functional and LEGAL program (by their own reporting) has now been made public despite repeated requests by the administration to keep it quiet.

Their thinly veiled attempts to explain their actions as "in the public interest" are empty and hollow.

LOOK! Do you see it, too??

The Emperor has NO CLOTHES!

Despicable... and astonishingly dangerous!