"One man, living again in his home state, surrounded by territory once rife with Conservatives,
and now hijacked by imported Liberals. This is the product of a self-imposed duty to continue to speak my Traditionalist Values
despite the Left's proliferation, procreation and perpetual regurgitation."

"One woman, living in a southern state, invaded by liberal policies, where strong Conservatives
were once revered. Proudly clinging to my guns. Proudly singing to my God."




social transition


Gossamer Socialist



Problem obvious

Liberty Caged, 11-4-08

Next Opportunity for Redemption of The Republic...

...6:00 AM Eastern, November 1st, 2016

Click for Western Maine Mountains Forecast

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Card

Although many of you have already had the pleasure of hearing our friend "Z" sing on her site - DI and I wanted to make certain that this most special Christmas gift, one which she has given her readers, was able to be seen by as many people as possible. How fitting that the voice of an angel should be given to us during this most Blessed of seasons. Sometimes heaven simply shines a light on someone in order to allow them to reach others through special gifts that have been bestowed upon them by Divinity. Z is one such person who truly shines. Please take a few moments to listen to her rendition of the song, 'Mary, Did You Know,' and you will understand why we believe this to be true. On this day, and with each day to follow, may God continue to bless each one of us and each of our loved ones, as well as this great nation that we all love so dearly.
God Bless us, everyone.

Merry Christmas!