"One man, living again in his home state, surrounded by territory once rife with Conservatives,
and now hijacked by imported Liberals. This is the product of a self-imposed duty to continue to speak my Traditionalist Values
despite the Left's proliferation, procreation and perpetual regurgitation."

"One woman, living in a southern state, invaded by liberal policies, where strong Conservatives
were once revered. Proudly clinging to my guns. Proudly singing to my God."




social transition


Gossamer Socialist



Problem obvious

Liberty Caged, 11-4-08

Next Opportunity for Redemption of The Republic...

...6:00 AM Eastern, November 1st, 2016

Click for Western Maine Mountains Forecast

Saturday, January 27, 2007

If You Read Nothing Else Today...

...Make sure you read this excellent post... PLEASE!

Laura at Pursuing Holiness is one of the finest, sincere, God fearing and honorable personalities I have 'met' in the vast Conservative blogosphere. She doesn't write fluff or filler posts... I don't think she would know how to if she so chose. She has once again kicked the ball out of the park with this factual review of our history with Iran. If you are unfamiliar with her disciplined and hard hitting writing style, treat yourself to this fine example. You will find it time well spent. And just like me, you will go back again and again for a fresh fix.

Thanks to those in power in our country who would whither and run from the problems created and imposed by our sworn enemies, the perilous intersection in this WOT will never be far from our road. We can always quit and scurry home with our tail between our legs. We can always then lick our wounds and attempt to convince eachother that this is all Jorge's fault and we are now "safe"... no one will attack us again on our home soil.

That is the purest of BS and the cancer will only spread to our homeland if we are ever so foolish as to back down. The terrorists are wagering everything on the expectation that, sooner or later, we will quit.

We simply cannot. Period.
